
How to Upload Media

By Ashmita Gupta
December 13, 2021

Step 1: Go to Media Tab

Click on Media under Side-menu.

Then click on Upload Button.

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Step 2: Upload Box

In Upload box, click on Browse which will direct open you to your local storage, select image/video from it or you can also drag file and put it on space provided.

Click on Upload.

Private option available if you want to upload media publicly or not.

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  • Your image/video will be added in your Medias.

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Step 3: Cast Image/video

Click on Action icon, then on Cast.

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  • Select Screen

Select screen box will appear, click on screen where you want to display your image/video.

Then click on cast.

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Step 4: Cast Successful

Your image/video will be successfully casted to selected screen.

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Check on Paired Screen, your image/video will be displayed there.

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