Step 1: Go to the Schedules Tab
First, click on the Schedules tab
Then click on New Schedule on the -right side.
Step 2: Write Name and Add Content
After clicking on New Schedule, you will be redirected to the Schedules page.
First, write Schedule Name and then click on Add Content.
Step 3: Select Content
After clicking on Add Content, Select Content Box will appear.
From there content you want to schedule. Click on Add.
Step 4: Select Date, Day, and Time
In Right-side of the screen there is Interval Section, there you select Date, Day, and Time to schedule your content
Select the Start time and End time. (Note:- Schedule will loop if content finishes before time.)
Step 5: Select Screen
Click on Screens, then click on Add Screens.
Step 6: Select Screens Box
Select screen box will appear, choose the screen where you want to display content
Then Click on Add.
Step 7: Save Changes
After you have added the name, content and screen. Click on Save Changes.
(Note:- Make sure you have added the schedule name, schedule content and schedule screen before you click on Save changes.)
Step 8: Schedule Screen
You will be re-directed to Schedule Screen.