How to Invite Users

To invite users and edit their information and permissions section.

Step 1: Go to the Users Tab

Click on Users under the Side menu and click on Invite User

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Step 2: Invite User Button

After you click on Invite User, a box will appear.

Enter a valid Email of your user.

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  • Select Role

Assign roles to your user like:- manager, employee, etc.

Then click on Plus Icon.

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Step 3: Send an Invite

Click on Send Invite button to send an invitation message to your user.

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Step 4: Invitation Results

After you click Send Invite.

Invited Users Results box will appear consisting of invitation details.

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Step 5: Invitation Email

Your user will get an Invitation email, Click on Get Started

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Step 6: User Login

When the user will click on Get Started, he/she will be re-directed to Escreen Log-in page.

User has to enter their First Name, Last Name and create a Password.

Then click on Get Started.

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Step 7: User Details Saved

After clicking on Get Started, user details will be saved & the user has to login with their username and password.

Then click on Login.

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Step 8: User Dashboard

After clicking on Login, the user will be re-directed to Escreen Dashboard where he/she can access features like Links, media, playlists or screens that are authorized by the owner.

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Step 9: User Details (Owner-side)

Click on the toggle icon to see the application statistics of the user. Information on the number of Links, Media, Playlists, Channels and Screens.

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Step 10: Edit the User

Click on the Edit user icon.

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Step 11: Edit the User Screen

  • In the Edit user screen allows for the entry of primary details like:- First Name, Last Name, and Password.

  • Email address and Role are pre-written and cannot be edited.

  • The permission section on the left side allows for granting or denying access to specific features.

  • Changes made in the permission section will be reflected on the User Dashboard (the user needs to re-login).

  • All information must be written and any desired changes made before clicking on the Save changes button (Top-right).

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Now you have learnt all the relevant things and steps to invite users and edit their information and permission section.

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