Step 1: Go to the Users Tab
Click on Users under the Side menu and click on Invite User
Step 2: Invite User Button
After you click on Invite User, a box will appear.
Enter a valid Email of your user.
Select Role
Assign roles to your user like:- manager, employee, etc.
Then click on Plus Icon.
Step 3: Send an Invite
Click on Send Invite button to send an invitation message to your user.
Step 4: Invitation Results
After you click Send Invite.
Invited Users Results box will appear consisting of invitation details.
Step 5: Invitation Email
Your user will get an Invitation email, Click on Get Started
Step 6: User Login
When the user will click on Get Started, he/she will be re-directed to Escreen Log-in page.
User has to enter their First Name, Last Name and create a Password.
Then click on Get Started.
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Step 7: User Details Saved
After clicking on Get Started, user details will be saved & the user has to login with their username and password.
Then click on Login.
Step 8: User Dashboard
After clicking on Login, the user will be re-directed to Escreen Dashboard where he/she can access features like Links, media, playlists or screens that are authorized by the owner.
Step 9: User Details (Owner-side)
Click on the toggle icon to see the application statistics of the user. Information on the number of Links, Media, Playlists, Channels and Screens.
Step 10: Edit the User
Click on the Edit user icon.
Step 11: Edit the User Screen
In the Edit user screen allows for the entry of primary details like:- First Name, Last Name, and Password.
Email address and Role are pre-written and cannot be edited.
The permission section on the left side allows for granting or denying access to specific features.
Changes made in the permission section will be reflected on the User Dashboard (the user needs to re-login).
All information must be written and any desired changes made before clicking on the Save changes button (Top-right).