Step 1: Go to Screens Tab
Click on Screens under Side-menu

Step 2: New Screen
Click on New Screen to add a screen.
You can either click on Top-right New Screen or Middle-right New Screen.

Step 3: Pair the Screen
After you click on New Screen, a Box will appear.
In Box, there is a URL, you can open/copy the URL on mobile, TV or computer. (Note:- Make sure that you are not using the same device or window to open URL link, use a different device to open the URL link.

Step 4: New Screen URL
When you access a URL link on another device, a six-digit code will appear on the screen, or you can scan the QR code.
(Note:- Don't turn off this URL link, it is helpful in the next steps.)

Step 5: Enter Six Digit Code
Write this Six digit code in the previously opened New Screen Box.
Then click on Pair.

Step 6: Screen Name
After you click on Pair, a box will appear.
Enter Screen information like:- Screen Name, Select Group and Select Channel. Click on Continue.
Screen Name: ___________________ Select Group: ___________________ Select Channel: ________________ Select Screen Type: _________________ [Click on Continue]

Step 7: Screen Created and Paired
Your new screen created and Paired will be available on this screen

Step 8: Paired Screen
Currently, the Paired screen shows nothing. However, you can cast content from Links, Media, or Videos by casting content files to specific screen(s) by going to this link:
(Remember you copied that six-digit code from the URL link in steps 4 & 5. That screen is now paired with your account.)

Step 9: Cast Content on the Screen
Click on the Cast button and continue
(You can also De-activate, Re-activate and Delete screens from more options.)

Step 10: Select Content
Select Content Box will appear, and choose content from Media, Videos, Playlists and Channels.
Then Click on Add

After you click Add, your content will be displayed on the Paired Screen.